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  •  The choice of languages available today has reduced considerably, mainly driven by the rise of the internet. This though has the consequence of creating a void in the skills required to bring new life to old code. ZAAZAPPS ™ Legacy code conversion specialists

  •  We are experienced in the development and integration of Cloud based & BAAS (Back-end As A Service) technology to deliver data and instant push notifications to and from Internet, desktop and mobile APPS. ZAAZAPPS ™ Cloud specialists

  •  We use state-of-the-art cross-platform development tools to provide a single source-code across Android, iOs, Windows & MAC OS-X. ZAAZAPPS ™ Multi-device specialists

  •  Utilising dozens cutting-edge & legacy programming languages including: Assembly, COBOL, Pro C, C, C++, Objective-C, Object Pascal, Forth, BASIC, Delphi, Kylix, Turbo Pascal, RPG, PHP, Java, JavaScript (to name but a few!) ZAAZAPPS ™ solutions that fit

Development Tools

Android® Development

Creating a customers APP using Embarcadero® RAD Studio® 10 Seattle

C++ Development

Utilising Appmethod® for C++ development for a multi-device application.

Editing HTML

Utilising PSPad® for some HTML editing.

Database Administration

Making some changes to a MySQL ® database for a code conversion project.